
  • Nigel Helyer’s Silent Forest by Doug Kahn

    This essay is a version of the exhibition catalogue for Silent Forest shown at the San Francisco Art Institute as part of SoundCulture96. As a recent transplant to Australia, I welcomed the opportunity to write about this work, to introduce it to the city where I have spent much of my adult life. In framing…

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  • The Plural Forest

    The Plural Forest is lodged here, in an un-adulterated state, as a text that was written in 1994 primarily as a result of my research travels throughout northern Thailand and Vietnam and is co-incident with the gestation period of the “Silent Forest” project.

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  • Vist the Drawings Gallery

    I have boxes and boxes of drawing books ~ ever since I was forced to keep them at Foundation College in Sussex.  The weekly scrutiny of our books was at first excruciating for me (convinced I would never be comfortable drawing) now it gives me delight, even though I simply draw to think things through!…

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