
  • A Night out in NokiaTown

    A Nomadic Ear treatment

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  • The Nomadic Ear

    The Nomadic Ear. Sonography, Cartography and the design of Sonic Narratives for Non-Linear Experience. Preamble; getting immersed. In discussing Immersive Environments we find ourselves at the mercy of a phalanx of aqueous meta-phors, saturated in an inescapable lexicon that engulfs our senses, saturating our frames in the fluid medium of sound.  So be it; let…

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  • Gran Tourismo

    This article originally appeared in RealTime Edition 81, Oct/Nov 2007 and is reproduced here with the permission of the writer and RealTime http://www.realtimearts.net A Cultural Travelogue of the big shows in Europa 2007.

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  • AudioNomadism ~ a brief history of Sound in Public Space.

    It’s all around you ~ so read all about it! AudioNomadism or a description in plain English of how to do very complicated things with location sensitive spatial audio The download is a bit slow ~ but it’s worth the wait!

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  • Soundarts and the Living Dead

    This article originally appeared in RealTime Edition 70, Dec/Jan 2005 and is reproduced here with the permission of the writer and RealTime http://www.realtimearts.net Imagine starkness; “A late evening in the future ~ Krapp’s den. Front centre a small table, the two drawers of which open towards audience.  Sitting at the table, facing front, i.e. across…

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  • McMahon Interview

    Listening in Melissa McMahon bugs Nigel Helyer. Nigel Helyer is an English-born, Sydney-based sound artist, lecturer at Sydney College of the Arts, and co-founder of SoundCulture, a Pan-Pacfific organisation focusing on sound art. Helyer’s work is of an essentially composite, or in his words “pluridisciplinary”, character, in the sense that not only does any given…

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  • Leaven_Goldberg

    Trouble in Paradise: Swelter – An Artists’ Project for the Palm House, Royal Botanic Gardens May 1999 – January 2000, Sydney by Michael Goldberg Includes review of the Leaven project

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  • AudioNomad Treatments

    Four brief ‘Treatments’ representing user experiences for AudioNomad mobile locations sensitive augmented audio systems.

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  • Web References

    Wild2000 http://www.year01.com/issue10/australia.html Magnus-Opus http://www.swr.de/swr2/audiohyperspace/engl_version/audioart/projects/magnus_opus.html SonicLandscapes + AudioNomad http://www.unsw.edu.au/news/adv/uniken/uniken0308/page4.html http://www.gmat.unsw.edu.au/snap/new/sonic_demo.htm http://www.isea2004.net/mainframe.php?id=hot_syren NoiseFloor http://news-service.stanford.edu/news/2003/february19/sound-219.html LifeBoat. http://www.life-boat.org http://www.aftenposten.no/kul_und/article835831.ece http://www.aftenposten.no/kul_und/article835830.ece http://numedia.scola.ac-paris.fr/index.php?rub=2 http://www.liberation.fr/page.php?Article=231716 http://www.isea2004.net/mainframe.php?id=hot_lifeboat Commentary in Realtime. http://www.realtimearts.net/rt58/kg_sound.html http://www.realtimearts.net/rt62/beap.html http://www.realtimearts.net/rt50/helyer.html http://www.realtimearts.net/rt58/kg_sound.html http://www.realtimearts.net/rt61/leggett_synapse.html http://www.realtimearts.net/rt46/kahn.html http://www.realtimearts.net/rt46/jones.html http://www.realtimearts.net/beap/percival_sonic.html http://www.realtimearts.net/beap/muller_small.html http://www.realtimearts.net/rt62/beap.html http://www.realtimearts.net/rt50/mowson.html http://www.realtimearts.net/rt51/priest_sound.html http://www.realtimearts.net/rt51/rackham.html http://www.realtimearts.net/beap/priest_sonic.html http://www.realtimearts.net/rt58/content.html http://www.realtimearts.net/rt55/gallasch_berlin.html http://www.realtimearts.net/rt48/soboslay.html Seed/OzCo http://www.ozco.gov.au/arts_in_australia/projects/projects_new_media_arts/nigel_helyer_-_seed/ Australian Sound Design Project http://www.sounddesign.unimelb.edu.au/web/biogs/P000087b.htm Helen Lempriere National Sculpture Award http://www.arch.usyd.edu.au/web/general/whatson/html/nigelhelyer.html Globe http://www.arts.monash.edu.au/visarts/globe/issue7/nhtxt.html http://www.arts.monash.edu.au/visarts/globe/issue11/mgtxt.html…

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  • Synapse Leggett

    The science and art synapse Mike Leggett With increasingly evil results to all of us, the separation is every day widening between the man of science and the artist…. [the artists] not only do not desire, they imperatively and scornfully refuse, either the force, or the information, which are beyond the scope of the flesh…

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  • SonicDifference_02 Percival

    Sonic ecology: SonicDifference Conference Bob Percival Plato’s Cave is the first place that I am metaphorically taken to by Nigel Helyer, the curator of the Sonic Difference exhibition and convener of this parallel conference. Plato had evoked a very powerful image, a gathering of puppeteers performing in a cave, their audience of chained prisoners with…

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  • SonicDifference Priest

    Siege culture: SonicDifference conference Gail Priest Discussion of sound and its place in the hierarchy of arts practice frequently takes the position of an artform under siege. Despite or because of the fact that hearing is considered our most constant sense–the first developed in the womb, and that which we can not shut out through…

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  • SonicDifference Muller

    A deep vibration: A small migration Lizzie Muller Standing in Shawn Decker’s sound installation A small migration is like being inside an exploded piano, or more precisely it is like standing inside the moment of explosion. The component parts of the work are suspended around me as though frozen in time. Still, yet full of…

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