
  • Supereste ut Pugnatis (Pugnatis) ut Supereste

    Supereste ut Pugnatis (Fight to Live) was the motto of the Chemical Defence Establishment* and is the metaphorical banner of a work developed for the SemiPermeable+ exhibition mounted by SymbioticA at the PowerHouse Museum, Sydney as part of ISEA2013. The work examines the intersection between the Visual Arts and Bio-Sciences and focusses upon the development…

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  • WYSSA – All my love darling

    WYSSA ~ All my love darling! WYSSA ~ All my love darling! is a work that combines vocal texts derived from the ANARE (Australian National Antarctic Research Expedition) Telecommunications Code Books and combined with Bio_logging data collected from Southern Elephant Seals diving under the Ice shelves and on long Southern Ocean Transits. The ANARES WYSSA…

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  • Songs from the UnderWorld

    My practice is increasingly focussed upon bringing together the physical and ecological environment together with our social and cultural contexts. Using the media of multichannel sound installation; data-sonification and sonic-cartography these hybrid works are designed to create new forms of sonic space in which it is possible to experience, examine and reflect upon the complexities…

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  • Milk and Honey

    Milk and Honey is a new eight channel sound installation commissioned for SiteWorks by the Bundanon Trust.  The work is installed in the music room of the old Homestead and incorporated the Steinway piano. A short documentary video of Milk and Honey (put together by Mike Leggett) that shows the disposition of the audio actuators.…

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  • Weeping Willow

    Weeping Willow is a twelve channel audio sculpture currently on exhibition in Istanbul as part of ISEA 2011 ~ and here is a link to my individual page. The work is presented as an interactive audio sculpture in the form of a dinner table set with twelve Willow Pattern plates. Each plate is treated to…

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  • VoxAura

    VoxAura; The River Sings. This is the VoxAura; The River Sings project which opened on August 4th 2011 as part of the Turku is Listening programme during the Turku 2011, European Capital of Culture. Download the local information here. voxaura_esite2.pdf A pre-event discussion of the VoxAura Project. Our blood has the same salinity as the…

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  • Bio_Logging and Under the IceCap

    Bio_Logging is a collaboration between Artist Dr Nigel Helyer and Dr Mary-Ann Lea of the Institue for Marine and Antarctic Studies (University of Tasmania, Hobart) which seeks to link scientific bio-logging and GIS techniques with the Artist’s interests in interactive acoustic cartography, data signification and the development of Audio-Portraits to extend the conceptual and intuitive…

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  • Radiolarians

    RadioLarians new public artwork for the Lake MacQuarie City Gallery, installed February 2011. Radiolarians consists of two interlocked sculptures, laser cut in 6mm Corten steel. The forms, one cylindrical and the other toroidal have a strong morphological relationship to microscopic marine creatures, sharing symmetry with the structure of primitive Radiolaria, countless millions of which form…

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  • New Host_V6

    Somewhat to my surprise Host has been going through manifold iterations.  Ironically the work has now been shown in various forms at six international venues but has never been exhibited in Australia ~ oh well, see what you have been missing! There are technical details on the original Host page so here is a little…

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  • Law of the Tongue

    The Law of the Tongue ~ or the Sonic Whale. He who fights the monster should be careful lest he thereby becomes a monster. And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will gaze into thee. Frederick Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil. The Sea and superstition go hand in hand. For centuries sailors…

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  • VoxAEther

    VoxAEther has recently been on exhibition at the Gallery of Modern Art in Brisbane and as part of the Asian Art Biennale at the National Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan.  The work consists of four laser-cut sculptural forms based upon the morphology and symmetry of microscopic Radiolaria, countless billions of which live in our oceans. …

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  • Padme

    Views of the Padme Installation at MacQuarie University 2010. Padme is a solar-powered digital audio floating sculpture that is activated by wave motion and by water birds nudging the antennae-like motion sensing ‘whiskers’ that radiate from the work. A short radio interview about the installation. A favourite with the wildlife. Slight movement activated a chorus…

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