Category: environmental project

  • Sonus Maris_V2

    Sonus Maris_V2

      Download the Sonus Maris – Catalogue (mobile) Download the essay from ISEA 2022 Sonus Maris_Helyer_ISEA22(small) Download the Interview Sonus Maris _An interview with Nigel Helyer Listen to Sonus Maris the Concert Sonus Maris the Concert Part 1; an orientation. We are neurologically predisposed to seek patterns in our surroundings, in fact, pattern recognition is…

  • Sounds and Sweet Airs

    Sounds and Sweet Airs

    Sounds and Sweet Airs is part of a long-term web project Soniferous Cities; Islands of Sound that experiments with the creation of sonic cartographies. The project which is part of the Öres21 Summer Exhibition aims to create rich interactive audio-portraits of a range of geographies, environments and communities. Sounds and Sweet Airs links sites on…

  • Scribbly Gum Suites

    Scribbly Gum Suites

    The Scribbly gum tree; Eucalyptus haemastoma, Eucalyptus racemosa and Eucalyptus rossii are found throughout New South Wales coastal plains and hills in the Sydney region. These Eucalypts are easily identifiable by the graphic scribbles created under their smooth yellow-grey bark by the larva of the Ogmograptis racemosa scribbly gum moth caterpillars. The gum-tree stands by…

  • Tracing Silence; Ecocide and Omnicide.

    Tracing Silence; Ecocide and Omnicide.

    Und wenn du lange in einen Abgrund blickst, blickt der Abgrund auch in dich hinein. Nietzsche, Beyond good and Evil 1886 In the words of the ancient Chinese proverb, May you live in interesting times! — and it would appear that we do — a time in which centuries of accumulative environmental degradation forms a…

  • The Sound of Place; Environmental Artworks at Bundanon.

    The Sound of Place; Environmental Artworks at Bundanon.

    This essay by Nigel Helyer and John Potts listens to the sound of place: of Bundanon, a three thousand acre property in the Shoalhaven river valley in rural NSW, Australia. Bundanon is today an artists’ colony and education centre, following the gift to the Australian people in 1993 of the entire property—including homestead, artist studio…

  • AudioNomad



  • CrayVox Book

    CrayVox Book

    CrayVox Book:s

  • CrayVox


  • Bio_Logging and Under the IceCap

    Bio_Logging is a collaboration between Artist Dr Nigel Helyer and Dr Mary-Ann Lea of the Institue for Marine and Antarctic Studies (University of Tasmania, Hobart) which seeks to link scientific bio-logging and GIS techniques with the Artist’s interests in interactive acoustic cartography, data signification and the development of Audio-Portraits to extend the conceptual and intuitive…

  • Law of the Tongue

    The Law of the Tongue ~ or the Sonic Whale. He who fights the monster should be careful lest he thereby becomes a monster. And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will gaze into thee. Frederick Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil. The Sea and superstition go hand in hand. For centuries sailors…