Category: arts and science

  • SPPS


    SPPS_for ISEA Papers:s

  • Oratorio Photo Essay

    Oratorio Photo Essay

    Oratorio Photo Essay:s

  • The Oratorio for a Million Souls

    The Oratorio for a Million Souls

    The Oratorio for a Million Souls is a major feature of the European Capital of Culture, Leeuwarden (Fryslan) 2018 Silence of the Bees programme. The project consists of bee listening architectures constructed in three European botanical gardens, located in Buitenpost (Fryslan) and Emden and Oldenburg (Germany).

  • BioLogging Retrofit

    BioLogging Retrofit

    The ‘Under the Icecap‘ art and science collaboration aims to illuminate the fundamental connection between human activities and planetary dynamics, by creating an experimental installation and performance series that will visualise and sonify scientific and statistical datasets. In essence Under the IceCap renders complex environmental bio-logging data-sets collected by Southern Elephant Seals on their under-ice…

  • BioPod


    The BioPods project was developed for the Bundanon Trust annual Siteworks 2014 festival but is also the debut project of When Art meets Science a three year ARC (Australian Research Council) project conducted between the artist and cultural and environmental researchers at Macquarie University; with The Bundanon Trust and the Australia Council for the Arts…

  • Eine Kleine GeneMusiK

    Eine Kleine GeneMusiK

    GeneMusiK rides Again! and again and again… This is a complex bio-art project that spans thirteen years, undertaken at three different laboratories. This post records that journey from its inception to a final successful realisation and recounts the pitfalls, frustrations and the final accomplishment. Please scroll to the end of the post to listen to…

  • Architecture for Bees; Bees for Architecture

    Architecture for Bees; Bees for Architecture

    Architecture for Bees and Bees for Architecture is a three day workshop at the Kaisanemi Botanical Gardens, Helsinki, Finland offered by Australian artist Dr. Nigel Helyer as part of the ongoing Melliferopolis urban bee project. Architecture for Bees and Bees for Architecture is a project that considers the architectural capacities and potentials of colonial bees…

  • Float like a Butterfly; Sting like a Bee

    Float like a Butterfly; Sting like a Bee


  • Supereste ut Pugnatis (Pugnatis) ut Supereste

    Supereste ut Pugnatis (Pugnatis) ut Supereste

    Supereste ut Pugnatis (Fight to Live) was the motto of the Chemical Defence Establishment* and is the metaphorical banner of a work developed for the SemiPermeable+ exhibition mounted by SymbioticA at the PowerHouse Museum, Sydney as part of ISEA2013. The work examines the intersection between the Visual Arts and Bio-Sciences and focuses on the development…

  • EcoLocated: Art Science and the Environment.

    A recent interview between John Potts and Nigel Helyer, download the PDF from Material Thinking EcoLocated; Art, Science and the Environment.