Category: arts and science

  • Oratorio Photo Essay

    Oratorio Photo Essay

    Oratorio Photo Essay:s

  • Eine Kleine GeneMusiK

    GeneMusiK rides Again! <scroll to the end of this page for new stuff> The GeneMusiK project had its origins in 2003 during a three-month Artist in Residence hosted by the SymbioticA lab at the University of Western Australia.  At that time I worked in the Department of Agricultural Sciences with Dr Gary Cass on the…

  • EcoLocated: Art Science and the Environment.

    A recent interview between John Potts and Nigel Helyer, download the PDF from Material Thinking EcoLocated; Art, Science and the Environment.

  • CrayVox


  • Bio_Logging and Under the IceCap

    Bio_Logging is a collaboration between Artist Dr Nigel Helyer and Dr Mary-Ann Lea of the Institue for Marine and Antarctic Studies (University of Tasmania, Hobart) which seeks to link scientific bio-logging and GIS techniques with the Artist’s interests in interactive acoustic cartography, data signification and the development of Audio-Portraits to extend the conceptual and intuitive…

  • Law of the Tongue

    The Law of the Tongue ~ or the Sonic Whale. He who fights the monster should be careful lest he thereby becomes a monster. And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will gaze into thee. Frederick Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil. The Sea and superstition go hand in hand. For centuries sailors…

  • EcoLocated


    M.A.R.I.N. made its debut at ISEA2009 Belfast in August 2009. This first expedition, the “Irish Sea EcoLocated Residency”, focused upon Littoral cultures: how marine ecologies close to human settlements are perceived by scientists and local communities, and how our art & science research team will introduce new cultural strategies to interlace them. The MARIN vessel…

  • Run Silent Run Deep

    Nigel undertook an Artist in Residence at The Marine Mammal Laboratory (Tropical Marine Science Institute) of the National University of Singapore; developing a project for ISEA2008 exhibited at the National Museum of Singapore, July ~ August 2008. Run Silent, Run Deep creates a multi-vocal and multi-cultural AudioPortrait of Singapore – in particular the area around…

  • Talking Stick

    Attentive Listening is not something that many of us allow ourselves the time to do, dominated as we are by a constant flow of visual information, and so mindful of the demands of the clock. But listening, rather than simply hearing, is an ever-present gateway to hidden worlds of detail and narrative; always close at…

  • Syren for Port Jackson

    Syren for Port Jackson plied the waters of Sydney Harbour, delivering a unique location-sensitive, immersive audio experience aboard the M.V. Regal. The Syren project is part of the AudioNomad R+D project ~ a collaboration between the Artist Nigel Helyer and the Scientists Daniel Woo and Chris Rizos of the University of New South Wales. The…