A Specialist Mentoring Opportunity.

The Offer.

A Specialist Mentoring Opportunity – Sound-Art, Acoustic Ecology, and Art and the Environment.

For the coming year I shall be offering a mentorship programme in the areas of Sound-Art, Acoustic Ecology, and Art and the Environment. I hope to provide a weekly one hour online session to limited number of individual Artists who are either studying at a Post-Graduate level, or for early career independent Artists. The initial programme will operate for three months (about 12 sessions) but with the possibility of a second term if this is deemed appropriate by both Mentor and Mentee.

The mentorship is designed as a highly focussed one-on-one ‘conversation’ that will unfold over time – however there is also the potential for group meetings with others in the programme.

If this offer is of interest to you please contact Nigel via email <sonique1  at icloud.com> with a letter of application which addresses the following items, sent as a single PDF file. The closing date for applications is April 30th 2020.

  1. Your name and contact details (email, website, facebook etc) and time-zone.
  2. An outline of your creative activities to date (for example; are you studying? are you an independent artist etc). 250 words maximum.
  3. A brief statement outlining your current creative interests and direction. 250 words maximum.
  4. How your interests relate to the areas of Sound-Art, Acoustic Ecology, and Art and the Environment. 250 words maximum.
  5. How you anticipate that you will benefit from the mentorship programme. 250 words maximum.
  6. If you are willing to participate in group discussion sessions?

Nota Bene – the programme is free.






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