Author: Nigel Helyer

  • Mexico Is Different

    This article originally appeared in RealTime Edition 83, Febuary/March 2008 and is reproduced here with the permission of the writer and RealTime “MÉXICO IS DIFFERENT LIKE A TRAVEL FOLDER SAYS.” THUS QUOTH THE IMMORTAL BARD, RY COODER. THROUGH THE LENS OF THE RECENT TRANSITIO_MX02 FESTIVAL OF ELECTRONIC ARTS & VIDEO YOU CAN SEE WHY.…

  • Ars Electronica; Vitae Brevis

    This article originally appeared in RealTime Edition 82, Dec/Jan 2007 and is reproduced here with the permission of the writer and RealTime A visit to the beach in darkest Austria!

  • A Night out in NokiaTown

    A Nomadic Ear treatment

  • The Nomadic Ear

    The Nomadic Ear. Sonography, Cartography and the design of Sonic Narratives for Non-Linear Experience. Preamble; getting immersed. In discussing Immersive Environments we find ourselves at the mercy of a phalanx of aqueous meta-phors, saturated in an inescapable lexicon that engulfs our senses, saturating our frames in the fluid medium of sound.  So be it; let…

  • Gran Tourismo

    This article originally appeared in RealTime Edition 81, Oct/Nov 2007 and is reproduced here with the permission of the writer and RealTime A Cultural Travelogue of the big shows in Europa 2007.

  • Sculpture in the Vineyards

    [dropcap character=”A”] new work “Transformer” has been installed at the UnderCliff Vineyard in Wollembi alongside “Spinner” which remains in-situ from last year. [dropcap character=”M”]y approach to the sonic domain has always been informed by a Sculptor’s perspective which emphasises the experiential nature of sounds, linking them to the dynamic, material events that produce them and situating…

  • WA Marine Facility ~ Ondes

    Ondes Ondes is a public art commission for a new Marine facility at Henderson WA. The work is comprised of three elements; an outdoor kinetic work, consisting of six counter-balanced needles which interact with the wind; a series of interactive biomorphic sculptures that react to human movement via changes in their internal lighting and a…

  • AudioMaze


  • Quint de Loup II

    Quint de Loup II was exhibited at the Tin Sheds Gallery, Faculty of Architecture, The University of Sydney. Fictionalising Fiction! ~ Nigel Helyer. In the beginning: As a thirteen-year-old lad I was once left to kick my heels for the day in central London, along with a couple of friends.  Being both wary of getting…

  • AudioNomadism ~ a brief history of Sound in Public Space.

    It’s all around you ~ so read all about it! AudioNomadism or a description in plain English of how to do very complicated things with location sensitive spatial audio The download is a bit slow ~ but it’s worth the wait!