Author: Nigel Helyer
An Atlas of Small Voyages
LAND, a sure footing, a Terra Firma, our groundedness. But my story is somewhat different, nomadic and fluid. Like Odysseus, who after all that hard travel and the spat with the suitors, was told to shoulder a ship’s oar and walk inland until he found a place where no-one could recognise the oar ~ at…
Songs from the UnderWorld_V2
Under the Icecap
Under the IceCap. Dr. Nigel Llwyd William Helyer and Dr. Mary-Anne Lea Maquarie University & University of Tasmania Contact: Dr. Helyer Contact: Dr Mary-Anne Lea Abstract. Under the IceCap is one of a series of creative outcomes resulting from the Bio_Logging Art + Science project at the Institute for Marine and Antarctic…