
Nine Dragon Head Festival, Lake Teachong, Korea 2001.
Winner – Helen Lempriere Sculpture Award, Melbourne 2002.

Aluminium, Audio and Solar electronics.

Footprint variable, each unit 0.5 m dia. x 3.5 m.

Meta-Diva displayed at the Nine Dragon Head Festival, Lake Teachong, Korea 2001.

Meta-Diva is an environmental Sound Sculpture, designed for installation in wetlands sites.  The work consists of thirty individual units, each incorporating a solar-powered digital audio ‘voice’ which emulates elements of the natural soundscape.

Meta-Diva installed in the lake at Werribee Mansion, Victoria.

Each unit contains a miniature digital audio chip, coupled with a digital timer, set individually so that each of the thirty units has a unique time signature. The audio chips contain short samples of natural history sounds, bird songs, insect songs and frog voices.

The artist installing the work.

The combination of multiple sound sources, in conjunction with individual time signatures and the fluctuations of the solar power supply, give the soundscape an un-cannily natural presence.  Technically, this a type of emergent behaviour in which, although we might recognise the repetition of individual sounds, the overall soundscape is an infinite mix; somewhat akin to the always familiar, but never repeating sounds of a creek.

In reality, the soundscape blends so seamlessly with the natural environment it is quite difficult to distinguish the artificial from the natural soundscape.

The physical structure of the sculpture employs the metaphor of plant biology and the thirty units are grouped as if to form a bed of Lotus plants.

The sculpture is entirely constructed in Aluminium, the top element of spun and welded Aluminium, with all surfaces powder-coated.  Individual units comprise; a 3.5 metre tall stem which in turn supports a small solar panel and terminates in a florette formed by a central bud surrounded by eight small exponential speaker horns; each florette being some 0.5 metres in diameter.

The work has been designed for installation, in a lake-side context, the solar panels and the audio electronics are fully marinised and require zero maintenance, there are no batteries, no switches and no moving parts ensuring an extended operational life.